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Building materials used in Bible times were cougar milf in Bato Bato earth, wood of various sorts, stone, precious stones, metals, fabrics, plaster, mortar, and bitumen

Bato in English - Iloko-English Dictionary, Glosbe The Republic of the Philippines Spanish Repblica de Filipinas in modern Filipino Republika ng Pilipinas, commonly known today as the Republic of Biak-na-Bato Filipino Republika ng Biak-na-Bato, was the second revolutionary republican government led by Emilio Aguinaldo during the Philippine Revolution, replacing a government which also called itself the Republic of the Philippines Dagiti materiales a pagbangon a naaramat idi tiempo ti Biblia ket daga, nadumaduma a kita ti kayo, bato, napateg a batbato, metal, tela, palitada, argamasa, ken bitumen

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Bato the Daesitiate also known as Bato of the Daesitiates was a chieftain of the Daesitiates, an Illyrian tribe which fought against the Roman Empire cougar milf in Bato Bato between 6 and 9 AD in a conflict known as Bellum Batonianum Batos War

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Bato the daesitiate.

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